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  Sábado • 27 de Julho de 2024  PT EN



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Welcome to Coimbra Education School.

We are one of Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra Schools and we offer a diversity of academic and training programs, in areas of Education, Applied Social Sciences and Arts. Currently we have 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students and 120 professors and staff.

We constantly strive to create new opportunities for internationalization of our students and Erasmus Program is a key component of this commitment.
We have a large net of bilateral agreements with high education institutions and universities in several European countries and we host Erasmus students from more than 20 nationalities.

In Coimbra Education School you will find a friendly and stimulating environment which reflects the Coimbra's academic tradition.

Coimbra Education School is part of the academic tradition in Coimbra.

Join us, we are waiting for you!


Welcome and congratulations on your acceptance in ESEC. We are pleased that you will be joining us for the semester! As a new student at ESEC, you are bound to have questions. The Office of International Relations is here for helping to uncover the answers to the questions you have, and providing you information about resources and services.
For ESEC Erasmus exchange Students you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful Erasmus student – Good luck!




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