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Incoming Students

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Welcome to Coimbra Education School!

Erasmus Guide 2017/2018

Check the Erasmus Guide here


Information about undergraduate programmes (1st cycle degrees)  

Check here to get the information package about Coimbra Education School undergraduate programmes/1st cycle degrees.


Before applying for admission as an Erasmus student

  • Please ensure that your university has an Erasmus bilateral agreement with Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (P Coimbra 02) for your area of studies;
  • Please ensure that you have been nominated by your home institution to participate in the exchange. The nominations should be sent by your International Office to the email gri@esec.pt

How to apply?  - new documents for 2017/2018

Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra
Gabinete de Relações Internacionais
Rua D. João III, Solum
3030-329 Coimbra
15 July: for admission in the first semester and whole academic year;
30 December: for admission in the second semester.



Language requeriments

Coimbra Education School does not require any formal language certification. However, students coming to Coimbra Education School must ensure they have the sufficient level of Portuguese or English language. All the classes are in Portuguese language.






  • Coimbra Education School International Relations Office analyses the applications and communicates the students’ acceptance by email.
  • Students that need an Acceptance Letter should ask it to International Office (gri@esec.pt) after receiving the acceptance confirmation by email.



Calendar for 2017/2018




1st semester


21 September 2017

20 December 2017

Regular period of exams

18 January 2018

01 February 2018

Extra period of exams

05 February 2018

17 February 2018

Christmas holidays

21 December 2017

02 January 2018

2nd semester


19 February 2018

04 June 2018

Regular period of exams

18 June 2018

30 June 2018

Extra period of exams

02 July 2018

14 July 2018

Easter holidays

26 March 2018

01 April 2018

Queima das Fitas

07 May 2018

13 May 2018




During your stay

  • You should introduce yourself in International Relations Office upon arrival and attend the “welcome meeting” to obtain information about the institution, procedures during your stay, and to be informed about your tutor-professor.
  • Fill in the documents for registration
  • Fill in the Learning Agreement or changes  

Regulations for initial training courses


Before departure

  • Inform the International Relations Office about your departure date
  • Pick the Certification of Stay up in International Relations Office
  • Pick the Transcript of records up in International Relations Office



International Relations Office

Coordinator – Prof. Pedro Balaus

Office assistant – Rita Pinto

Office assistant - Maria Aguiam


  • Post Address

Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra
Gabinete de Relações Internacionais
Rua D. João III, Solum
3030-329 Coimbra

  • Phone: +351 239 793 127 / Mobile phone: +351 96 404 20 55


Institutional information about Coimbra Education School (ESEC)


Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

Escola Superior de Educação

Erasmus Code



Escola Superior de Educação

Rua D. João III, Solum

3030-329 Coimbra




LLP/Erasmus Institutional Coordinator

Av. Marnoco e Sousa 30

3000-271 Coimbra


Phone: +351 239 791 250

Email: dga.sri@ipc.pt

LLP/Erasmus Coordinator - College of Education

Pedro Balaus Custódio

Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra

Gabinete de Relações Internacionais

Rua D. João III, Solum

3030-329 Coimbra


Email: gri@esec.pt

Phone: +351 239 793 127

International Office

Rita Pinto and Maria Aguiam

Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra

Gabinete de Relações Internacionais

Rua D. João III, Solum

3030-329 Coimbra


Email: gri@esec.pt / ritapinto@esec.pt / maguiam@esec.pt

Phone: +351 239 793 127

Website. www.esec.pt/gri



Options available:
Be coimbra - http://becoimbra.pt/
NS Hostel - http://ns-hostel.com/index.zul;jsessionid=92CE1F7508694764D3601165B1CE757E
Youth hostel - http://microsites.juventude.gov.pt/Portal/en
Erasmus Student Network / ESN - http://esncoimbra.org/ 




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