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Sport and Leisure

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Desporto e Lazer (Sports and Leisure) 



The Sport and Leisure course aims to provide skills in the area of sport and leisure through the combination of a sound theoretical and scientific component in the area of sports sciences with specific practical experience in physical education and recreation. 

  • Goals

The Sport and Leisure course aims to training of able professionals with a array of skills enabling them to respond to new social demands, which include the association of sporting activities with leisure, the recognition of sporting activities as a means of staying healthy and the demand for recreational sporting activities as a means of achieving quality of life through communal living and well-being.

  • Careers and Professional Opportunities
  • Physical education and sports professional;
  • Sports trainer;
  • Sports-based social recreation worker;
  • Manager or director of sport;
  • Personal trainer;
  • Physical exercise and fitness professional.



See below the study plan. FGT is a set of unit courses common to all ESEC degrees, aiming to promote transversal competencies basic to any profession. To see the unit courses click HERE. Not all Optional Unit Courses are available. International Office provides the unit courses available in the begining of each academic year.




YearSemesterCode Disciplina Unit Course / Subject ECTSContact Hours Hours/ week
1S1150003Introdução ao Desporto e LazerIntroduction to Sports and Leisure3302
1S1150007Desenvolvimento MotorMotor Development3453
1S1150005Desportos IndividuaisIndividual Sports6604
1S1110021Sociologia do LazerSociology of Leisure6604
1S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
1S2150011Fisiologia do ExercícioPhysical Activity Fisiology3302
1S2210003Actividade Física e SaúdePhysical Activity and Health6604
1S2150009Desportos e Actividades de GinásioSports and Gym Activities6604
1S2150008Gestão das Organizações DesportivasManagement of Sports Organizations 6604
1S2 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S1150012Animação e Recreação Desportiva Leisure and sports activities3302
2S1150013Controlo MotorMotor Control3453
2S1150026Desportos e Actividades AdaptadasSports and Special Activities6604
2S1150015Desportos e Actividades AquáticasAquatic Sports6604
2S1150014Desportos e Actividades de LazerSports and Leisure Activities6604
2S1100002Psicologia Social Social Psychology6604
2S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S2100046Psicologia do DesportoSport Psychology3302
2S2150017Metodologia do Treino DesportivoMethodology for Sport Activity3453
2S2150028Avaliação e Prescrição do Exercício FísicoPhysical Activity Assessment and Prescription6604
2S2150018Danças e Jogos PopularesDances and Folk Games 6604
2S2150016Desportos ColectivosTeam Sports 6604
2S2100044Educação e Intervenção SocioeducativaEducation and Social Intervention6604
2S2150027Exercício Físico para Populações EspeciaisPhysical Activity for Special Populations 6604
2S2100043Pedagogia do LazerLeisure Pedagogy6604
2S2 Opção Livre**Oprional Unit Course**   
3S1150023Condição FísicaPhysical Form3302
3S1150029Projecto de Condição FísicaProject: Physical Form6602
3S1150024Projecto e Animação Sociodesportiva Project: Sport Activities6602
3S1150021Desportos e Actividades da NaturezaSports and Outdoor Activities6604
3S1150019Pedagogia do DesportoSports Pedagogy6604
3S2150025Estágio Internship (Sports & Leisure)30 840 --

** Optional Unit Courses

6 ECTS, 60 contact hours:

Empreendedorismo (Entreperneurship); Expressão Dramática (Dramatic Expression); Musicoterapia (Music Therapy); Organização e Animação de Campos de Férias (Organization and Animation of Summer Camps); Gerontomotricidade (Gerontomotricity); História do Desporto (History of Sports); Dançoterapia (Dance Therapy); Socorrismo (First Aid); Atelier de Leitura Criativa (Workshop: Creative Reading); Investigação Operacional (Operational Research); Marketing do Desporto (Sports Marketing); Comportamento Organizacional (Organizational Behaviour).


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