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Arte e Design (Art & Design) 



The Art and Design course aims to provide a solid grounding in the area of art, fine arts, drawing and design, combining theoretical and practical components of a multidisciplinary training programme. 


 ·         Goals:

Contributing to the training available in the area in order to meet national strategic demands of a cultural nature and establishing itself as an alternative at a local and regional level, this course seeks to produce qualified and competent professionals in the areas of Art and Design. 


 ·         Careers and Professional Opportunities: 


  • Project design
  • Consulting
  • Visual artist



See below the study plan. FGT is a set of unit courses common to all ESEC degrees, aiming to promote transversal competencies basic to any profession. To see the unit courses click HERE. Not all Optional Unit Courses are available. International Office provides the unit courses available in the begining of each academic year.




YearSemesterCode Disciplina Unit Course / Subject ECTSTotal Hours Hours/ week
1S1540019Desenho IDrawing I3302
1S1440007Psicologia da Percepção VisualPsychology of Visual Perception3302
1S1540045Teoria da ArteTheory of Art3302
1S1540020Artes Plásticas IPlastic Arts I 6604
1S1540021Design IDesign I 6604
1S1540022Sistemas de Representação Gráfica ISystems of Graphic Representation I6604
1S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
1S2540023Desenho IIDrawing II3302
1S2540027Teoria do DesignTheory of Design 3302
1S2540024Artes Plásticas IIPlastic Arts II6604
1S2540025Design IIDesign II6604
1S2540026Sistemas de Representação Gráfica IISystems of Graphic Representation II6604
1S2 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S1540032Materiais e Técnicas de ProduçãoMaterials and Techniques3302
2S1540031Oficina de FotografiaWorkshop: Photography3302
2S1540029Artes Plásticas IIIPlastic Arts III6604
2S1540028Desenho IIIDrawing III6604
2S1540030Design IIIDesign III6604
2S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S2540038Correntes Artísticas e de Design Contemporâneo Contemporary Movements in Art and Design3302
2S2540037Modelos e ProtótiposModels and Prototypes 3302
2S2540036Oficina de VideoWorkshop: Video 3302
2S2540034Oficina de Artes PlásticasWorkshop: Plastic Arts 6604
2S2540035Oficina de DesignWorkshop: Design6604
2S2 Opção Vocacional**Optional Unit Course **   
3S1540041Estudos de ArteArt Studies 3302
3S1540042Estudos de DesignDesign Studies 3302
3S1540039Projecto de ArteProject: Art 6604
3S1540040Projecto de DesignProject: Design6604
3S1 Opção Vocacional**Optional Unit Course **   
3S2540044Seminário de Inserção ProfissionalSeminar: Professional Preparation12906
3S2540043Projecto de Arte e DesignProject: Art and Design 1818012

 ** Optional Unit Courses (2nd and 3rd year):

6 ECTS, 60 contact hours:

Animação 3D (Animation 3D); Técnicas de Impressão Gráfica (Technics of Graphic printing); Cerâmica (Ceramics) 

3 ECTS, 30 contact hours:

Geometria Dinâmica (Dynamic Geometry); Ergonomia (Ergonomics); Eco-Design; Produção Gráfica (Graphic Production); Arte Efémera (Ephemeral Art); Design de Luz (Design of Light); Fanzine; Fotozine; Narrativas Visuais (Visual Narrative); Design de Exposições (Exhibition Design); Animação de Volumes (3D Film Animation); Correntes de Estética Musical (Trends of Musical Aesthetics); Espaço e Objecto Escultórico: Processos Interdisciplinares (Sculpture, space and object); Teorias da Imagem (Theories of Image); Língua Gestual Portuguesa (Portuguese Sign Language); Teorias do Cinema (Theories of Cinema); Marketing Cultural (Cultural Marketing); Organização de Eventos, Mecenato e Patrocínio (Event Organization and Sponsorship); Cibercultura (Cyberculture); Estudos Culturais (Cultural Studies); Literatura e Artes (Literature and Arts).



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