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Leisure and Social Pedagogy

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Animação Sócio-Educativa – ASE

(Leisure and Social Pedagogy)


The ASE course aims to provide a solid grounding in the area of recreation, directed towards intervention at an individual, group or community level, and the development of skills and capabilities. 



·         Goals:

This porgrammes aims to educate recreation specialists that are fully integrated and effectively involved with local development and community intervention. Graduates shall acquire skills for: developing sociocultural intervention projects; promoting educational work for the appropriate enjoyment of leisure time; implementing training programmes in the adult population, within the scope of non-formal education and lifelong learning; promoting social inclusion with regard to the diversity of specific population groups. 


 ·         Careers and Professional Opportunities:

  • Senior local development and community intervention specialist;
  • Senior recreation and sociocultural management specialist;
  • Leisure supervisor
  • Education and leisure project manager (with children and adults);
  • Adult educator, trainer and mediator;
  • Senior social inclusion specialist.


See below the study plan. FGT is a set of unit courses common to all ESEC degrees, aiming to promote transversal competencies basic to any profession. To see the unit courses click HERE. Not all Optional Unit Courses are available. International Office provides the unit courses available in the begining of each academic year.




YearSemesterCode Disciplina Unit Course / Subject ECTSContact Hours Hours p/ week
1S1110002Antropologia Social e Cultural Social and Cultural Antropology3302
1S1100001Fundamentos da AnimaçãoFundamentals of Social Pedagogy6604
1S1100003Atelier de Análise Social da EducaçãoWorkshop: Social Analysis of Education3604
1S1110001História Regional e LocalRegional and Local History6604
1S1100002Psicologia Social Social Psychology6604
1S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
1S2100006Técnicas de Animação de Grupos Group Dynamics Techiques3302
1S2100004Educação e Intervenção ComunitáriaEducation and Community Intervention6604
1S2110004Atelier de Animação Cultural do PatrimónioWorkshop: Patrimony and Leisure Cultural Activities3604
1S2100005Psicologia da Aprendizagem Psychology of Learning6604
1S2110003Técnicas de Animação Comunitária Techniques of Community Practice 6604
1S2 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S1110005Sociologia do Desenvolvimento e da Mudança Social Sociology of Social Development and Change 3302
2S1990004Atelier de ExpressõesWorkshop: Expression through Art3604
2S1100007Concepção de Projectos e Intervenção Comunitária Community-based Intervention Projects6604
2S1100008Metodologia de Investigação - Acção Methodology of Research - Action6604
2S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S1 Atelier de Expressões*Workshop: Expressions  *3604
2S1 Opção Vocacional:A -Educação, Lazer e Animação de Tempos Livres OuB - Educação ao Longo da Vida +Exclusão e Inserção Social Optional Vocational Course:A – Education, and LeisureOrB- Life Long Learning + Exclusion and social inclusion6604
2S2100011Gestão de Equipamentos Recursos e Infraestruturas Locais Facility Management660 --
2S2100014Atelier de Projectos de IntervençãoWorkshop: Intervention Projects6602
2S2100013Políticas Educativas e de Desenvolvimento Local e RegionalEducational Policies and Local Development3302
2S2100012Análise de Necessidades e Potencialidades Educativas Education Needs Analysis6604
2S2 Opção Vocacional:Literacia +Actividades Lúdicas e Desportivas +Necessidades Educativas Especiais OuModelos e Práticas de Educação de Adultos +Desenvolvimento Local e Animação ComunitáriaVocational option:A – Literacy + Leisure and sports + Special NeedsOrB – Adult Education + Local Development6604
3S1100019Educação Intercultural Intercultural Education6604
3S1100018Psicologia Ecológica e do Desenvolvimento HumanoEcological and Developmental Psychology 6604
3S1 Disciplina de Opção **Optional Unit Course **   
3S1 Opção Vocacional:Formação de Formadores/Animadores +Literatura Infantil e JuvenilOuFormação de Formadores +Museologia e Património CulturalVocational option:A – Trainers Traning + Child LiteratureOrB – Trainers Traning + Museology and Cultural Patrimony6604
3S2100040EstágioInternship 6490 --

*Workshop Expressions – 1st semester, 3 ECTS, 60 contact hours – choices include the following unit courses: Expressão Plástica (visual art), Expressão Dramática (Drama), Expressão Musical (Music), Expressão Corporal (Body expression), Expressão Literária (Creative writting), Dança (Dance), Teatro de Intervenção (Social Dramatization), Expressão Através da Multimédia (Multimedia)

** Optional Unit Courses (3rd year, 1st Semester, 3 ECTS, 30 contact hours) – optional courses distributed through the following topics:Unidades de Desenvolvimento Cultural e Patrimonial / Culture and PatrimonyUnidades com Suporte Matemático /MathsAteliers de Apoio à Compreensão da Europa e da Lusofonia / Europe and LusophoniaUnidades de Aprofundamento no Campo da Educação / EducationOrganização e Animação de Centros de Actividades Educativas / Social Pedagogy


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