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Social Gerontology

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Gerontologia Social (Social Gerontology)


The Social Gerontology Course aims to train professionals in the area of gerontology and includes a solid grounding in fields relating to the biology, psychology and sociology of the elderly from a care, leisure and development perspective.  



  • Goals

Train competent professionals from a theoretical and practical point of view, who are capable of providing the care needed for the support and development of the elderly from a health, leisure and welfare perspective.  


  • Careers and Professional Opportunities
  • Gerontology in social and private organisations providing services and care directly to the elderly (day centres, night centres, homes for the elderly, residences for the elderly, communal living centres, temporary and emergency shelters for the elderly, home support services);
  • Heath facilities within the scope of prevention and health education programmes and the provision of primary care.


See below the study plan. FGT is a set of unit courses common to all ESEC degrees, aiming to promote transversal competencies basic to any profession. To see the unit courses click HERE



YearSemesterCode Disciplina Unit Course / Subject ECTSTotal Hours Hours/ week
1S1 Biologia do EnvelhecimentoAging Biology6604
1S1 Psicologia do EnvelhecimentoAging Pscichology3453
1S1 Sociologia e Demografia do EnvelhecimentoSociology and Demografy Aging6604
1S1 Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Social do Adulto e da Pessoa IdosaAdult and Ancient Personal and Social Development 6604
1S1 Animação de IdososLeisure to Ancients 3453
1S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
1S2 Sexualidade, Saúde e EnvelhecimentoSexuality, Health and Aging3302
1S2 Resiliência, Saúde e EnvelhecimentoResilience, Health and Aging 3302
1S2 Pscicopatologia do EnvelhecimentoAging Psychopathology 3453
1S2 Envelhecimento e Actividade FísicaAging and Physical Activity6604
1S2 Gestão de Equipamentos e Serviços Sociais GerontológicosEquipments and Gerentology Social Services Management6604
1S2 Psicologia ComunitáriaCommunitary Pscichology3453
1S2 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S1 Cuidados Básicos e Continuados de Saúde IHealth Care I6604
2S1 Nutrição e DietécticaNutrition and Dietetics3302
2S1 Avaliação de NecessidadesNeeds Assessment3453
2S1 Técnicas de Comunicação e de Trabalho de GrupoCommunication and Team Work Techniques 3453
2S1 Gestão de Pessoas nas OrganizaçõesHuman Resources Management in the Organizations6604
2S1 Métodos QuantitativosQuantitative Methods3302
2S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S2 Cuidados Básicos e Continuados de Saúde IIHealth Care II6604
2S2 Metodologias de Investigação e de Acção em Gerontologia SocialAction and Research Metholology in Social Gerentology6604
2S2 Políticas, Sistemas e Práticas de Protecção SocialPolicy, Systems and Practice of Social Protection6604
2S2 Gerontologia EducativaEducational Gerentology3453
2S2 Aconselhamento e Orientação GerontológicaGerentology Advice and Guidance 3453
2S2 Concepção de Projectos e Intervenção ComunitáriaCommunity-Based Intervention Projects6604
3S1 Laboratório de ArteterapiaWorkshop: Art Therapy3453
3S1 Animação TeatralDrama and Leisure3453
3S1 Laboratório de Expressão Musical e MusicoterapiaWorkshop: Music Expression and Music Therapy3453
3S1 Laboratório de Movimento e DançaWorkshop: Movement and Dance3453
3S1 Laboratório de Primeiros SocorrosWorkshop: First Aid3302
3S1 Formação de FormadoresTraining of Facilitators and Trainers6604
3S1 SeminárioSeminar9604
3S2 EstágioInternship30840-


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