Living in Portugal/Coimbra |
Portugal is one of EU member states adhering to the EURO (€). Our former currency was Escudo ($) - (1 € = 200,482 Escudos). Portuguese cost of living is low, comparing with other European countries. The average monthly expenses can be estimated as follows: · Room rent: (€ 125 to € 200) · Meals: (€ 150 to € 225) · Transport (bus): (€ 25 to € 30) · Other expenses (photocopies/ books, study visits, social life): (€ 75) The estimated prices for certain articles are as follows: | 1 pack of milk (1 l) | (€ 0.45 to 0.70) | 1 bottle of water (1,5 l) | (€ 0.40 to 0.90) | 1 bread roll | (€ 0.12) | 1 cup of coffee (espresso) | (€ 0.60) | 1 beer | (€ 0.75 and 1.50) | 1 meal | (€ 1.90 to 3.00) in a canteen; | | (€ 6.00 to 12.00) in an economic restaurant | Transport | Bus | € 33.00 for a monthly bus pass; € 1.50 for a ticket bought on the bus; € 6.00 for 11 bus tickets; € 2.80 for a daily-ticket (used to travel the whole day within the city limits) | Taxi | € 1.25 for a basic fare | Cinema | € 4,5 to € 5.5 depending on the day and time | Room rent | € 120 in Student’s Residence; € 125 to 160 in a family private home; € 140 to 200 in a flat, shared with other students | The main mean of transport within the city is the bus. Students are advised to buy bus tickets previously at stationery shops and kiosks, as on the bus they are more expensive. There is also a monthly bus pass that allows the holder to travel by bus the whole month within the city boundaries (different types of bus passes are available). In ordert to ask for a monthly bus pass, students need: ID card, studemt card, 1 photo, 5 Euros. College of Education is served by bus numbered 1, 5, 7, 11, 24, 26 and 33. Hospitals have emergency services open 24 hours a day. The two main hospitals in the city are: Hospital da Universidade de Coimbra and Hospital dos Covões There are also many other clinics and health centres. (For useful addresses have a look at ESEC website). Pharmacies are open from Monday to Friday (9h00 to 13h00 and 15h00 to 19h00) and on Saturdays (9h00 to 13h00). There are always pharmacies open during weekend and at night. (For useful addresses have a look at ESEC website). Foreign students should bring the European Health Insurance Card (for obtaining medical assistance in another EU country) that upon arrival has to be presented to the local Portuguese authorities. The place where the student should go depends on the area of the city where he/she is going to live. Students are strongly recommended to bring a private medical insurance, as the European Health Insurance Card only gives medical assistance or access to a hospital. The public security forces in Coimbra are PSP - Polícia de Segurança Pública and the GNR - Guarda Nacional Republicana. The PSP is responsible for urban areas and GNR for less populated areas. There is also PJ - Polícia Judiciária (Judiciary Police, responsible for crime investigation). Telecommunications and Post Offices
There are many telephone booths that can be used to make international phone calls. It can be used coins or telephone cards. It is also possible to make international collect calls, by contacting PT- Portugal Telecom (http://www.portugaltelecom.pt) or Marconi (http://www.marconi.pt). The telephone directories are organised according to regions and there are also regional Yellow Pages (Páginas Amarelas) (http://www.paginasamarelas.pt). The Post Offices (CTT - Correios e Telecomunicações de Portugal) (http://www.ctt.pt) also offer fax, telex and telegram services opened from Monday to Friday - 8h30 to 18h00. Shops are usually open from 9h00 to 13h00 and 15h to 19h from Monday to Friday and from 9h00 to 13h00 on Saturday. Shopping Centres are open everyday from 10h00 to 23h00. Usually the supermarkets are open until 20h00 and hypermarkets are open from 10h00 to 23h00 from Monday to Saturday and from 9h00 to 13h00 on Sunday. If you are under 26, you are advised to get the Portuguese "Cartão Jovem" which gives discounts in shops, cinemas, transports, museums, etc.. It is valid for one year. To get it you just have to go to a post office or a tourism agency. You will be asked to present your ID card, one photo and to pay approximately € 6. Portuguese gastronomy is much diversified. You will find many typical fish and meat dishes, sweets and desserts, always accompanied by good-quality wines and cheese. The Portuguese usually have lunch between 12h30 and 14h00 and dinner at 20h00/21h00. The greatest difference between the Portuguese and other people’s eating habits and others is that dinner is usually a cooked substantial meal. Besides many restaurants for all prices, there are also cafés and snack bars, which prepare light meals and snacks. "Going out for a meal" is very common because having a meal in a restaurant is relatively cheap. Most restaurants are open from 12h00 to 14h30 and from 19h00 to 00h00. For information about restaurants in Coimbra please have a look at: http://www.cm-coimbra.pt/viva/restaurantes.htm Tourism Information and Youth Support
Tourism offices can provide you with a wide range of information. There are several tourism offices in the city. The IPJ - Instituto Português da Juventude (http://www.sej.pt) is aimed at giving support to young people and it co-ordinates all activities concerning the "Cartão Jovem" and Youth Hostels. (For useful addresses have a look at ESEC website). Leisure activities, cultural events and Coimbra by nightFor general and updated information about leisure activities, cultural events and Coimbra by night, see: http://www.portugalinsite.pt The Portuguese people are mainly Roman Catholic. Portuguese state is lay and Portuguese Constitution guarantees religious freedom. For general information about churches and places of cult in the city of Coimbra see http://www.cm-coimbra.pt/viva/culto_religioso.htm Portugal’s Official Tourism website http://www.visitportugal.com/ http://www.turismodeportugal.pt Town of Coimbra http://www.coimbracidade.com http://www.cm-coimbra.pt/viva/coimbra_viva.htm http://www.turismo-centro.pt/english Youth Hostels in Portugal http://www.sej.pt/areas/pousadas/ Train timetable http://www.cp.pt/ Lisbon airport (Portela Airport) http://www.ana.pt/portal/page/portal/ANA/AEROPORTO_LISBOA/ Porto airport (Francisco Sá Carneiro airport)
http://www.ana.pt/portal/page/portal/ANA/AEROPORTO_PORTO/ Weather in Coimbra http://www.meteo.pt/pt/previsao/inicial.jsp http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/08548.html Bus in Coimbra http://www.smtuc.pt Portuguese newspapers and radio on-line http://jn.sapo.pt/http://www.publico.pt http://www.radiocomercial.pt/http://www.esec.pt/radio/apresentacao.htm ESEC http://www.esec.pt http://ndsim.esec.pt/pagina/esectv/ http://www.esec.pt/radio/ http://globalesec.wordpress.com/