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Turismo (Tourism) 


The fundamental aim of the Tourism degree is to provide a high level of theoretical and practical training in the area of tourism, with a multidisciplinary dimension encompassing the areas of sociology, psychology, consumer behaviour, marketing and management.

  • Goals

The intention of the Tourism programme is to train professionals capable of working coherently at different stages of the tourism sector. The future professional should be able to understand the interdisciplinary nature of tourism; to plan and encourage tourism events and investment projects; catalogue and enhance heritage resources, ensuring they are afforded their due value; and create tourist itineraries.

  • Careers and Professional Opportunities
    • Senior Specialist in:
      Public institutes, general tourism boards, regional tourism boards, regional development and coordination committees, municipal councils, tourist regions, tourist information offices, municipal government-owned companies, development associations, tourist recreation companies, consultancy companies, event and congress organisation companies, tour operators and travel agents, tourist enterprises.


See below the study plan. FGT is a set of unit courses common to all ESEC degrees, aiming to promote transversal competencies basic to any profession. To see the unit courses click HERE. Not all Optional Unit Courses are available. International Office provides the unit courses available in the begining of each academic year.




YearSemesterCode Disciplina Unit Course / Subject ECTSContact  Hours Hours/ week
1S1410001Sociologia do Lazer e do TurismoSociology of Leisure and Tourism3302
1S1440001Atelier de Comportamento do ConsumidorWorkshop: Consumer Behaviour3453
1S1290007História e Cultura PortuguesasPortuguese History and Culture6604
1S1170001Introdução ao TurismoIntroduction to Tourism6604
1S1200004Métodos Quantitativos em TurismoQuantitative Methods in Tourism6604
1S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
1S2170015Atelier de Organização e Legislação TurísticaWorkshop: Tourism Organization and Law3453
1S2990027Laboratório de Inglês ou de FrancêsForeign Language Practice3453
1S2430004Contabilidade GeralGeneral Accountancy6604
1S2170003Metodologia de Investigação em TurismoResearch Methodology in Tourism 6604
1S2290008Movimentos Artísticos e PatrimónioArt Movement and Cultural Patrimony6604
1S2 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S1420001Antropologia Social e CulturalSocial and Cultural Anthropology3302
2S1120014Laboratório de Inglês TécnicoEnglish for Tourism Industry 3453
2S1400001Geografia do TurismoGeography of Tourism 6604
2S1290009História Regional e LocalRegional and Local History6604
2S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
2S1 Opção de Escolha Vocacional:Estudos de Mercado em TurismoComunicação e Relações PúblicasOptional Unit Course:Market Research in TourismorCommunication and Public Relations 6604
2S2430001Gestão FinanceiraFinancial Management3302
2S2170007Atelier de Informação e Itinerários Turísticos Workshop: Tourist Information and Itineraries3453
2S2120016Espanhol / Iniciação Spanish6604
2S2170005Marketing TurísticoTouristic Marketing6604
2S2170006Planeamento e Ordenamento TurísticoStrategies And Planning In Tourism Industry6604
2S2 Opção de Escolha VocacionalAtelier de Alojamento e TransporteAtelier de Património MuseológicoOptional Workshop: Housing and TransportationorMuseum Heritage3302
2S2 Opção de Escolha Vocacional:Turismo Internacional Empreendedorismo em TurismoOptional Unit Course:International TourismorEntrepreneurship in Tourism 3302
3S1120015Laboratório de Francês TécnicoFrench for Tourism Industry 3453
3S1170010Mercados e Produtos TurísticosTourism Industry Market6604
3S1430003Programação e Orçamentação de ProjectosProject Planning and Budgeting6604
3S1 Opção de Escolha Vocacional:Qualidade em TurismoTurismo ActivoOptional Unit Course:Quality in TourismorActive Tourism 3302
3S1 Opção de Escolha Vocacional:Agências de Viagens e Operadores TurísticosTécnicas de Animação Turística  Optional Unit Course:Travel Agencies and Tour OperatorsorTechniques of  Tourism Animation6604
3S1 Opção de Escolha Vocacional:Atelier de Sistemas de Informação TurísticaAtelier de Organização de Eventos TurísticosOptional Workshop: Tourist Information SystemsorTourist Events Organization 3302
3S1 Opção de Escolha Livre**Free Options **3302
3S2170016Estágio/SeminárioInternship 30560-

** Free Options

3 ECTS, 30 contact hours:

Gestão Ambiental em Turismo (Environmental Management in Tourism); Gestão Orçamental (Budget Management); Comportamento Organizacional (Organizational Behaviour); Gestão de Recursos Humanos (Human Resources Management); Marketing de Marcas (Brand Marketing); Francês:Aprofundamento (Advanced French); Inglês: Aprofundamento (Advanced English); Música e Culturas (Music and Cultures); Etnologia e Etnografia Portuguesas (Portuguese Ethnology and Ethnography).


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