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Música (Music)



The Music degree course provides a solid grounding in music, combining theory with practice in a complete and multidisciplinary study programme.

  • Goals

The Music degree aims to train quality professionals, capable of actively entering the job market and providing services in both the field of musical intervention and audio technology.

  • Careers and Professional Opportunities
    • Mediators for musical recreation projects at various kinds of institutions;
    • Directors of choirs, student singing groups and other amateur musical groups;
    • Support technicians for teams involved in producing/making music;
    • Specialist editors for musical scores;
    • Foley artists.


See below the study plan. FGT is a set of unit courses common to all ESEC degrees, aiming to promote transversal competencies basic to any profession. To see the unit courses click HERE. Not all Optional Unit Courses are available. International Office provides the unit courses available in the begining of each academic year.




YearSemesterCode Disciplina Unit Course / Subject ECTSContact Hours Hours/ week
1S1480002Acústica Física e Psicoacústica Acoustics and Psychoacoustics3302
1S1470006Prática de Teclado IKeyboard Practice I3453
1S1460001Formação Musical IMusical Training I6604
1S1480001Introdução às Tecnologias na Música Introduction to Music Technologies6604
1S1470001Prática Vocal e Instrumental I Voice and Instrument Practice I6604
1S1 FGT Optional Transversal Course     
1S2480004Acústica Musical e OrganologiaMusical Acoustics and Organology3302
1S2470007Prática de Teclado IIKeyboard Practice II3453
1S2480005Análise e Técnicas de Composição IComposition Analysis and Techniques I6604
1S2460002Formação Musical IIMusical Training II6604
1S2480003História da Música IHistory of Music I6604
1S2470002Prática Vocal e Instrumental IIVoice and Instrument Practice II6604
2S1480006História da Música IIHistory of Music II3302
2S1470008Prática de Teclado IIIKeyboard Practice III3453
2S1480007Análise e Técnicas de Composição IIComposition Analysis and Techniques II6604
2S1480011Aplicações em HardwareHardware Aplications 6604
2S1460003Formação Musical IIIMusical Training III6604
2S1470003Prática Vocal e Instrumental IIIVoice and Instrument PracticeIII6604
2S1440004Psicologia ComunitáriaCommunity Psychology 6604
2S2480013Acústica Arquitectual IAcoustics I3302
2S2480012Aplicações em Software ISoftware Aplications I3302
2S2470009Prática de Teclado IVKeyboard Practice IV3453
2S2480014Áudio Digital Digital Audio 6604
2S2310011Educação Não-formal com Populações EspecíficasNon Formal Education and Special Populations6604
2S2460004Formação Musical IVMusical Training IV6604
2S2500001Movimento e DançaMovement and Dance6604
2S2470004Prática Vocal e Instrumental IVVoice and Instrument Practice IV6604
2S2 Opção **Optional Unit Course **   
3S1480015Acústica Arquitectual IIAcoustics II3302
3S1480016Aplicações em Software IISoftware Aplications II3302
3S1480008Etnomusicologia Ethnomusicology6604
3S1460005Formação Musical VMusical Training V6604
3S1490001Metodologias de Intervenção Musical Methodology for Musical Intervention 6604
3S1490002Música em ReabilitaçãoMusic in Rehabilitation 6604
3S1470005Prática Vocal e Instrumental VVoice and Instrument Practice V6604
3S1480017Síntese Áudio Audio Synthesis6604
3S2-Estágio/Projecto de intervençãoInternship/ Intervention Project 18504-
3S2480009Estética MusicalMusical Aesthetics3302
3S2480010Direcção Coral e Instrumental Choir/Ensemble Directing6604
3S2 Opção **Optional Unit Course **   
** Optional Unit Courses

3ECTS, 30 contact hours:

 Oficina de Voz (Workshop: Voice); Música e Comunicação (Music and Communication); Atelier de Realização e Pós-Produção de Áudio/Rádio (Workshop: Audio/Radio Production and Post-Production); Produção e Administração de Conteúdos On-Line (On-line Contents Management); Marketing Cultural (Cultural Marketing); Comunicação e Relações Públicas (Communication and Public Relations); Produção e Edição de Imagem Videográfica (Production of Video Image); Expressão em Língua Portuguesa (Expression in Portuguese Language); Oficina de Expressão Dramática (Workshop: Dramatic Expression); História de Arte (History of Art); Estética da Imagem (Image Aesthetic ).


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